'Although I have had many teachers in my life, the two Teachers who have had the most impact on my life by far, are... 

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov  (January 31, 1900 - December 25, 1986) was a Bulgarian philosopher, pedagogue, mystic and esotericist. A leading 20th-century teacher of Western Esotericism in Europe, he was a disciple of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno). 

Aivanhov’s philosophy teaches that everybody, regardless of race, religion, social position, intellectual ability or material means, is able to take part in the realization of the ‘golden age’ on earth. This happens through the individual's personal transformation: growth in perfection and in harmony with the divine world. Whatever the topic, he invariably focuses on how one can better conduct life on earth. Aivanhov taught that to achieve a better life, one must have a high ideal: ‘.. if you have a High Ideal, such as the bringing of the Kingdom of God on earth, you obtain everything you wished for, you taste plenitude.’

Aïvanhov teaches the ancient principles of initiatic science. He describes the cosmic laws governing both the universe and the human being, the macrocosm and microcosm, and the exchanges that constantly take place between them.


DR. NATACHA KOLESAR is the founder and was the spiritual director of the IDEAL Society. A pedagogue, speaker and poet, she dedicated her life to promoting an ideal of fraternity among people. Natacha was born in Russia and received her Ph.D. in philosophy in Czechoslovakia, where she worked as a university professor. She then lived in France and the United States before settling in Canada.

She was a pupil of the Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, in whose spiritual philosophy she found a true pedagogy inclusive of both our human and spiritual identities. It is with this educational vision that IDEAL was founded in 1996. She traveled around the world sharing the wisdom of the sacred sciences and the importance of awakening to one’s spiritual nature. Her Teachings address themes of self-knowledge and shed light on the fundamental questions of our origins, destiny and the nature of our earthly experience. Although she passed away in 2013, her loving presence is felt by all through her legacy of teachings preserved in a large collection of audio and video recordings and through her written poetry. The intensity of her spiritual love continues to inspire many seekers. http://ideal-society.squarespace.com/vision/

"Thank you teachers for showing me what is possible...