From A Client who has had 3 Readings in 14 months


I have found great value in the services Feather offers, she has a skillful way to offer ideas, concepts and guidance without a rigid idea of what things will/could look like. I feel the strength of her connection when I am in session with her, which facilitates my connection to the higher realm. Feather always takes the time to listen to my process, as things come up, and offers helpful insight that supports new perspectives. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have and to continue to work with Feather through my journey.

Julie Gallant
BC Registered Massage Therapist

Follow UP Angel Therapy Session Testimonial:

I recently had an Angel Intuitive Reading by Feather. It was a very comforting Reading with lots of guidance. I had been going through a really hard time medically with a loved one and was really worried about his frame of mind.
In a time like this it is very easy to lose your faith and get depressed. I called on Feather to do a ‘follow-UP Reading’.
It was the best thing I could have asked for. It was the beginning of restoring my faith and my loved one’s health. I have had Readings before and it is hard to remember everything that is revealed to you. The follow-up Reading clarified my thinking and dispelled any doubts that I had. In order to manifest things it is essential to have strong faith.
I usually do have strong faith but it is easy to waver in a situation like I just went through. It was comforting to be able to contact Feather and have a reading done quickly....when I needed it most.
I thank the Angels for interceding.
— Ailsa
I loved our Angel Session. I was wondering at the time whether I should go for an ultrasound which my mid-wife was requesting for the baby. I didn’t feel it was necessary. Our meeting was my Angel ultrasound, confirming that everything is ok.
— Happy Pregnant Mother
Hi Feather, 
I want to thank you again. It was so precious and has continued to be deeply meaningful. Your giftedness and care shine through every thing you say and do. I want to thank you again from the bottom of my heart!
— Diana, Costa Rica

I am grateful for the way Feather’s Angel Readings shine awareness and inspiration into the corners of my life where I do not always clearly see. I witnessed the complete cessation of my boyfriend’s migraine headache following prompts given by Feather in a somewhat causal connection between us all recently. Thanks so much.
— Dee Holden BC Canada

Hi Feather, the reading made me feel very connected with the non-physical world. And I continued to have that magical feeling of connection afterwards too. It made me feel very special and brought a smile to my face. Along with what came naturally from the Reading, I was also able to ask some specific questions. I was able to talk with Feather after the Reading too. That was helpful and reassuring.
— Anita, BC Canada
Feather, I wanted to express to you my gratitude for the numerous times you have come and given Intuitive readings at the store with our customers and clients. The readings have given so much help and assistance to people as they mend their hearts, relationships and lives. So many times I have had my clients tell me after their reading how much it helped them, and how they heard exactly what they needed to hear. That is a gift, and one that I am grateful you share. Blessings & Blissings
— Tracey Rogers - Owner White Feather Holistic Arts 1350 Ottawa St., Windsor ON
I am deeply invested in energetic work but I have never really taken the chance to look for a reading. I was surprised, when I spontaneously felt to share this experience with Feather. I have to say, that this morning before we met, during my meditation, for once, I asked for some confirmations of the future program of my life
Feather works as I particularly like, she is not asking anything, just connecting with her deep eyes and her delicate hands - soul to soul - and because her heart is widely opens, it is easy to let our inner self to express its truth.
I was amazed to hear about the vision she could access, which was perfectly matching with my inner world that I never really express to anyone! Then when she read the oracle cards, she simply named exactly what I have just crossed, where I was at, in this moment and
where I was heading for.
Energy and goodwill are there, humour as well if need be. Feather is in charge to be the voice of what we could not access, for many reasons.
This consultation brought me a lot of confirmation, which provided me even more determination in my way. Let’s be clear on this, she textually told me things that only I could know, and to hear it from her was a wonderful resource of comprehension and new perspectives. The subtle realm try to speak to us at the second we dare to stop our mental pollution and start to listen the soft murmurs of our heart, but because it is for most of us difficult, we need intercessor like Feather.
— Lorne Auber Quebec Canada
Feather is an incredible human being. I had the pleasure of her working at Roseberry Healing Center in Phuket, Thailand as an Angel Intuitive Reader. She helped to guide and enlighten many people and was very successful in changing people’s lives. My own personal Angel Intuitive Readings with ‘Feather’ were instrumental in giving me clarity and resolution, as well as confirmation of direction within my life. Feather’s ability to empathize and give specific guidance is remarkable. I find her readings to be well rounded, leaving me with a very happy feeling. I highly recommend her. She is both healer and teacher filled with love and compassion.
— Dorinda Roseberry, Hamilton New Zealand and Thailand.
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