Scroll to the bottom if you already know what kind of Reading you want to purchase. If not, read through the offerings.


Combination Readings not only give insights to where your soul template is at, but the ‘grounding’ of the Science of the Cards knowledge helps to put in action an “earthly” plan to create ease in your relationships, finance, career, health and purpose in life.

Only $90 CDN - until FEBRUARY 28, 2025


Angel Intuitive Readings

An Angel Intuitive Reading will enhance your connection to your Angels, intuition and your core beliefs. These readings are uplifting, clear and bring much joy to your present circumstances. What is AIR and the other Question pages will give you more details.

Prices are quoted per AIR session. A session is 60 minutes and there is no additional charge if the Reading is longer. Notes are sent to you after the session.

In person or Skype or Phone




Are you needing to uproot an ‘old secret’ in your heart, mind or body? Are you willing to be accountable for your thoughts and actions so that your secrets do not hold you back from all the grace and positivity that is available to you?

In Angel Accountability sessions, you will do ‘homework.’ My sincere and caring guidance will help you gently uplift old secrets inside that no longer serve you. You will free yourself from negativity and self-judgement. Uprooting an old self-sabatoge story takes time.

Minimum enrolment is 4 sessions, held bi-weekly.

Here is a Testimony from a recent client:

I reached out to Feather for an Angel Reading in the fall but quickly realized my life was spinning out of control. Feather offered her support and guidance through her Angel Accountability Sessions. These sessions are full of deep introspection from the Cards of Destiny combined with Angel meditations; these sessions are very transformational. Our bi-weekly meetings helped me set new goals, speak my truth and take ownership of the habits draining me.

It took courage to admit I needed help, and I’m so glad I said YES and committed to Accountability Counselling.



This Reading will open you up to the fascinating world of the meanings of your cards based on your birth day and year. Hard to imagine how much mystical knowledge has been ‘hidden’ in the household playing deck of cards.

This Reading will help you to decide when to make those bigger decisions in your life. It will provide you with a blueprint of your personality. You will find out if you are a Heart, Club, Diamond or Spade and what this means. You will understand yourself better once you know!

So much is given to you in a one hour Reading, including a 4-6 written report!



Do you know of a young adult or teenager who could use some guidance at this time in their lives? Often ‘children’ between the ages of 13-18 are seeking all kinds of answers to who they are, questions on relationships, career and for those who are really sensitive they wonder what is their purpose.

Each session lasts 30 minutes. As this is a NEW Service, the current price is only $30.00 per session. If you purchase 3 sessions (Recommended) the cost is only $70.00. It is suggested that their Readings are taken once every 2 weeks.

I am confident with the help of the Angels, I can make a difference in their lives. Go to Request A Service


Written Answers

Give a question to Feather via email, and she will write to you, your answer. Her answers are filled with precious words, upliftment, skill choices, deep intuition and poetic vision.
Only $25.00 for one question.


FOLLOW UP Angel Therapy Session


  • During an Angel Intuitive Reading a lot of guidance is given.

  • During a Reading tools (homework) to sustain the vibration are also given.

  • After a Reading we are more aligned with our intentions, dreams, hopes, and then...sometimes we forget to practice keeping our channels open to the messages from our Angels and we get off our course of action.

The Benefits of a Follow UP Angel Therapy Session

  • Re-reminds you of the promises you made to yourself during the session.

  • Re-integrates the vibrations you received.

  • Re-stimulates the desire to stay in Practice with your Angels.

  • Re-tunes your intentions.

  • Re-sizes your plans - too much too soon?  Needing more input? 

  • Re-stores your faith in the loving presence of your Angels.   

 Invite Feather to be your Follow Up partner.  Go to Request a Service to book your appointment.

Go to Testimonials to read how a Follow Up Session helped a client.Follow UP Angel Intuitive Therapy Session

Only $50.00 for 40 Minutes via Skype, or Phone

(Go to Testimonials to read how a Follow UP session helped a client) 


New Client Introductory Session

Do you have the feeling that you want to connect with your Angels but you are not yet ready to commit to a full Reading? Would you like to build trust with Feather first and her abilities to receive messages for you?  Do you need just a quick answer or some clarity to a pounding question?  Do you need a boost of faith?  

Then... talk to Feather via Skype, FaceTime or Phone

NOW Only $25.00  for 20 minutes. A lot can be revealed in that amount of time.


Creative Communications - in person - one to one

From anxieties to hope, a Creative Communication Session give clients a deep connection to their need to be heard, no matter what is spoken. Feather uses tried and tested creative communication skills to help release vocal 'pain' and or authentic wishes and dreams. Each session stabilizes clients intent. Unnecessary energetic cords are released that hold outdated beliefs, self-doubt and fears of being misunderstood or rejected.  If you book 3 sessions, there is a follow up session via skype given for free.

$75/1 hr


Meditation Sessions  - in your home

Have you ever felt inspired to bring people into your home to meditate together? When you become a host to Feather, she will give you or a loved one a FREE Angel Reading in exchange. Feather leads beautiful guided Angel Meditations that will inspire, uplift and bring joy to whoever is present.  


Self-Discovery Events, Retreats, Therapeutic Days...

Feather is a joyful, insightful and supportive person to have on your team.  Her caring and creative nature will give your event just that little bit of extra shine to make it successful. 

Contact her at to start the conversation.


For those whose birthdays are between August 13-17

Angel Prayer Poem

Feather will create a beautiful prayer/poem based on the Angel of your Birthday. This prayer/poem is sent to you via email. Speaking the name of our Angel brings us closer vibrationally to their qualities. REIYEL is a sample of someone who's birthday is between August 13-17.

Poetry for a loved one or yourself? All I need is your or their name and birthday. These inspired poems bring guidance and joy. One can read them like a personal prayer. It will be delivered via email to you. Go to Request A Service

Here is a Poem testimony from Paula Lofthouse-Aldi from Windsor Ontario.

Dear Feather
Wow! Wave after wave of electrical energy shot through my body as I read this amazing poem created for me. It’s perfect for the Paula I am at this moment in my life’s journey.  
With gratitude, wishing you many blessings 



Personal Poem

This poem is different than the Angel Poem Prayer. Still all that is needed is your full name and birthday. An inspired poem just for you that will bring you guidance and joy!

20$ This also makes a great gift for a birthday, anniversary or just to say thank you to someone.


Next Step...

It is easy.  Simply decide the type of service you want as listed above. Then fill in the Request a Service below. You will receive a reply from within 24 hours to confirm if your time and date requested are available.  If for some reason you do not receive an email within 24 hours, write directly to and let Feather know.



Request a Service