On my 50th birthday on September 29 2008, I was faced with a life-changing situation.  My partner of seven years and I came to a very hard decision, to end our relationship.  A year and a half earlier we had bought a house together in Phuket Thailand. As this was a dream home, the decision to split was devastating for me.

In my spiritual practice for over 30 years, I honour ‘the invisible world’ of spiritual guides and Angels.  Under the emotional pressure of the break up, many a day I would be clouded in doubt, fear, anger and what am I going to do now?  It was hard to ‘hear’ their messages to me. Perhaps I had shut down an ‘antenna’ and chose to listen to my self-pity and victim thoughts instead.

One day I found three brown feathers.  I remember thinking ‘does this mean anything...'oh …I wonder if...' (hopeful) and then … 'oh they are only feathers '(doubtful).  Nevertheless a tiny whisper told me to keep those three brown feathers.  About a week later I was guided to a website wherein there was a page called  The Power of Feathers.  I opened this window and I read that if feathers are found they are a gift from Angels, especially if they are found in an unusual place.  I frantically searched for those three brown feathers thinking ‘did I throw them away?.’  I was feeling rather anxious…that kind of state of mind – but I did find them and gave them a conscious place to be.

In mid February (2009) I was deeply in sadness reviewing again my lost and feeling rather unsure of myself.  I went for a swim in a pool to just move my energy to get out of the state of mind I was in. My tears mingled with the water. Have you ever cried while swimming? It feels kind of odd because you can feel the tears coming out, and yet they are absorbed immediately. Anyhow, I rested shortly on the ledge of the pool. I looked down at the sand wash around the pool and there was the tiniest feather about the size of my baby fingernail. It was grey with yellow stripes. I picked it up ever so gently.  Later, I gave it a place to be with the other brown feather ‘friends’. Perhaps, needless to say, more tears shed, but this time out of gratitude.

Then, on March 5, 2009, I ‘received’ a life-changing feather. The night before, I had left a book called, ‘Daily Guidance from your Angels’ on my dining room table, something I rarely did.   

The next morning, there, right beside the book was a simple white feather curled. I was immediately in awe. How did that feather get there?  The windows and doors were shut. I lived alone. I picked up the feather, raised it to the sky and thanked deeply my Angels.  I felt good chills all over!  I felt something left me.

The white feather I ‘received’, marked a turning point in my grief and loss.  Six months later, I went to Gold Coast Australia and became certified with *Doreen Virtue as an Angel Intuitive Reader.  After becoming certified I started giving Readings to clients. By the time I left Asia, four years later I was working at three healing centers in Thailand and one in Singapore.

Feathers are the predominate way that Angels speak to me.  To honour their support and to be more deliberately with their consciousness, I have asked family, friends, anyone I meet to call me by my new name Feather.

My birth name is Denise Bertrand.  I was certified by Doreen Virtue in Gold Coast Australia in 2009.  My clients come from all walks of life, and are from all over the world.  I have given my consultations in two Healing Centres in Phuket Thailand and one in Singapore from 2009-2014.  

As I am now living back in Canada I spend time in BC and Ontario and in both locations I continue to give Angel Intuitive Readings. 

Go to The Questions to find out where you can connect with Feather now.

  • Side note: For those of you who know that Doreen Virtue has changed the course of her life in 2017, I just want to say, that I respect her life’s journey but am not able to fully embrace what she speaks about now. I do however feel it is important to mention that she helped to facilitate a door opening for me with the Angels and for this I am grateful.

Of interest true stories with Angel intervention...Signs and Stories

me in the mountains in France.jpg